Homemade Wheatgrass Juice Recipe


Materials Needed

  • Slow Juice Extractor or Masticating juicer
  • 50g of Wheatgrass stems

First of all, it’s important to use the right type of machine or juicer if you are going to make juice from wheat grass. Juice extractors that grind wheatgrass will damage it.

You will need a manual i.e slow juice extractor or masticating juicer that will preserve all the benefits of the herb.

To make juice from wheat grass:

wheatgrass stems cutting and harvesting
  1. Harvest and wash about 50 g. of wheatgrass which should be enough to fill a small shot glass of about 50 ml (a shot of wheatgrass). 50 grams may not sound like much, but since wheatgrass stems are pretty lightweight, to collect these 50 grams you will need quite a bit of stems, so in the end you will have a small pile to work with.
  2. Chop the grass stems into small pieces.
  3. Pass the grass into the juice extractor and drink the juice immediately to enjoy all the beneficial nutrients of the plant
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