Indoor Gardening is Now a Mainstay

Whether it’s a large-scale vertical farm or a small-scale in someone’s own home
indoor farming is now here to stay. It’s little surprise, since most consumers are turning toward healthy eating and home-cooked meals while going out they hope to eat foods that are fresh. As such, this segment of market is in for some serious growth.

More people are getting in on the trend
With indoor gardening to grow their own foods at home
No longer impeded by short growing seasons, extreme weather, or lack of outdoor space, an indoor garden is a highly productive way to grow food while being sustainable in energy and water used to grow these foods.

The pandemic made the trends of sustainability, plant parenting, and plant-based foods far more relevant.
And since these indoor gardens don’t require knowledge or experience in growing plants to be a success, they’re really taking off.
Farm-to-table was a great movement that turned into more of a garden-to-table scenario in recent years. More and more people are realizing the benefits of growing their own produce. Once the pandemic lockdowns and closures began, people sought out new hobbies to keep themselves occupied. Among them, gardening became huge and the sales of indoor gardening systems are still strong even now.
Better versatility with these systems and a wide range of seeds allows users to grow several different kinds of plants all within one unit. This gives them more healthy food options at once. It’s certainly a fresher way to get around those troublesome supply chain constraints, one that means those with indoor gardens don’t have to do without healthy greens. Plus, it reduces waste.
As this trend continues to bloom, voice control integrations may be next on the horizon. This will allow users of their home gardens to change the lighting and timing. It can also alert owners when their plants need more nutrients or water for optimum growth. As these technologies unfold, it’s expected this trend for everyone to grow their own food will continue.
By having voice activation, it makes these indoor gardens a smarter idea than ever before. Other innovations include plant pods that have been likened to single-use coffee machine pods to make growing those leafy greens even easier year-round. Initially borne from the challenges of the pandemic, the trend of indoor gardening is one that we see staying the course. The benefits of growing indoors are ideal for everyone and can be a wonderful way to encourage more fresh and healthful eating anywhere in the world.

- Ready under 20 mins
- toasted coconut bread
- avocado, sliced
- kale microgreens
- olive oil
- himalayan pink salt
- red pepper flakes

I definitely recommend GeoGreens. The flavors are fresh, crisp, and blend excellently with any meal

I highly recommend GeoGreens, they are awesome in a smoothie, or eaten in a salad, or alone. They are amazing