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Microgreens: The Cutest Way to a Healthier Lifestyle
It’s not unusual to go out for a meal and find menus full of sandwiches and salads adorned with microgreens. They’re a cute version of full-size vegetables and herbs, and they happen to be incredibly healthy.
While they look like small sprouts, these nutritious miniatures of the plant world are among the healthiest things you can consume. There are about 60 different types of microgreens which are seedlings that are harvested in the early stage of growth. Microgreens can come from all kinds of plants including broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage.
Even better, they may be as much as 40 times more potent with phytochemicals over fully mature plant versions of themselves, so says a study found in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. Since they’re so small, they make for a very easy way to add them to just about anything in your kitchen to make it even more nutritious.
They have so many benefits too, so grab some cute microgreens and enjoy!
Reduced risk for cardiovascular troubles
Do you have high blood pressure? It’s one of the biggest risk factors for the silent killer known as heart disease. Eating a more plant-based diet can help, but if you’re not keen on veggies, microgreens make it easy to mix them in to help you out. Microgreens are great for helping lower blood pressure because of the fiber and vitamin K content.
Anti-cancer properties
Everyone knows someone that has had to fight cancer. It’s a horrible disease that you may be able to block by eating more plants, even microgreens. Broccoli microgreens in particular have sulforaphane which potentially targets cancer stem cells to keep them from taking over.
Improved immunity
These days, we are even more focused on strong immunity than ever before. To keep yourself healthy, have a salad made of microgreens. It adds more flavor than simply filling a bowl with lettuce plus you get anti-inflammatory powers.
See the world more clearly
Eye troubles plague many, especially those of us who stare at a screen all day. By including microgreens in your diet, you get more lutein, a phytochemical that is revered for keeping vision healthy. It helps the eyes absorb excess intensity from light, preventing those headaches, migraines, and eye strains.
Keep things moving
If you feel all stopped up in your digestion, microgreens could hold the key to smoother processing. They might be small but they’re mighty in fiber and fiber is what relieves constipation naturally
Additionally, that high prebiotic fiber from your microgreens helps nourish the good gut bacteria, improving your overall health and wellness.
Keep cholesterol on the level
If your doctor has admonished you about your cholesterol levels, microgreens can help you earn praises on your next visit. With red cabbage microgreens, in particular, researchers found it lowered cholesterol and helped with weight loss. Want to get in good health? Start small and get big results by adding more microgreens to your meals!
They have so many benefits too, so grab some cute microgreens and enjoy!
Reduced risk for cardiovascular troubles
Do you have high blood pressure? It’s one of the biggest risk factors for the silent killer known as heart disease. Eating a more plant-based diet can help, but if you’re not keen on veggies, microgreens make it easy to mix them in to help you out. Microgreens are great for helping lower blood pressure because of the fiber and vitamin K content.
Anti-cancer properties
Everyone knows someone that has had to fight cancer. It’s a horrible disease that you may be able to block by eating more plants, even microgreens. Broccoli microgreens in particular have sulforaphane which potentially targets cancer stem cells to keep them from taking over.
Improved immunity
These days, we are even more focused on strong immunity than ever before. To keep yourself healthy, have a salad made of microgreens. It adds more flavor than simply filling a bowl with lettuce plus you get anti-inflammatory powers.
See the world more clearly
Eye troubles plague many, especially those of us who stare at a screen all day. By including microgreens in your diet, you get more lutein, a phytochemical that is revered for keeping vision healthy. It helps the eyes absorb excess intensity from light, preventing those headaches, migraines, and eye strains.
Keep things moving
If you feel all stopped up in your digestion, microgreens could hold the key to smoother processing. They might be small but they’re mighty in fiber and fiber is what relieves constipation naturally
Additionally, that high prebiotic fiber from your microgreens helps nourish the good gut bacteria, improving your overall health and wellness.
Keep cholesterol on the level
If your doctor has admonished you about your cholesterol levels, microgreens can help you earn praises on your next visit. With red cabbage microgreens, in particular, researchers found it lowered cholesterol and helped with weight loss. Want to get in good health? Start small and get big results by adding more microgreens to your meals!